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Teaching Study Skills

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  • Description
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Course Description:

This course covers study skills thematically and thus invites all teachers viewing the course to apply the techniques where appropriate to their own action plans. The course also covers general guidelines to encourage empowerment and self-directed learning in students with a heavy emphasis on the benefits of organisation of material. Additionally, the course contains many handouts, including an advanced to-do list system for teachers to pass on to their students, or even use in their own work or life administration.

Course Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental principles of effective study skills and their role in enhancing students’ academic success.
  • Promote student empowerment and self-directed learning by fostering a growth mindset and self-regulation.
  • Apply organisational techniques to help students manage their time, resources, and study materials efficiently.
  • Evaluate the benefits and challenges of using advanced to-do list systems and other organisational tools in the teaching and learning process.
  • Create an action plan for integrating study skills into their teaching practices.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, teachers will be able to:

  • Articulate the significance of study skills in improving students’ academic performance and long-term learning.
  • Incorporate thematic study skills into their teaching across different subjects, helping students bridge the gap between content knowledge and effective study techniques.
  • Foster a growth mindset and self-regulation in their students, enabling them to take ownership of their learning journeys.
  • Implement organisational methods, such as time management, note-taking, and resource management, to enhance students’ overall academic performance and preparedness.
  • Apply an advanced to-do list system to create a structured approach to teaching and organisation, encouraging students to manage their tasks effectively.
  • Share handouts and resources with students to support their study skills development, enabling them to become more self-sufficient learners.

This course provides teachers with the knowledge, skills, and resources to empower their students through effective study skills, ultimately improving their academic achievements and fostering lifelong learning habits.

Resources & Assessment:

  • The course provides a range of resources to support learners and facilitate the application of acquired knowledge.
  • The course incorporates a comprehensive final assessment, known as the ‘Course Test’, designed to evaluate participants’ understanding of the essential concepts covered throughout the course. Upon successfully passing this test, participants will be awarded a course certificate.